I'm not one for buying at car boot sales or charity/thrift shops. It's not that I'm against them for any reason, I've just never managed to find anything I've wanted to buy or give house room to (although I do buy used books which have been donated to the care home where my dad lives) but I do find them useful for passing on no longer needed/unwanted belongings after a good clear out. It's probably that I don't see the potential in some of the items they're selling. I do like to buy stuff,though, and TK Maxx is one shop which I think is worth having a good old rummage in every now and again. I wandered in my local one yesterday and found this
which I bought with the idea of making sure these
don't get lost under, and sometimes even in, the bed which is where I've tended to do most of my reading lately. I also bought the prettiest brush
which just might get me sweeping.