From the age of eleven I went to an all girls grammar school where, from the second year, if you were deemed too stupid to learn a second foreign language (er, that included me), you had to do Domestic Science. Or what was affectionately referred to as "Cookery". I've checked the dictionary and domestic science is defined as "the theory and practice of homemaking". What this meant was that Wednesday afternoons were spent alternately learning the theory (stuff like what makes bread rise, which vitamins are in which foods, what's a carbohydrate, what makes an emulsion) and doing the interesting This is where I practised the basics of creaming, chopping, braising, beating and folding in, along with finding out the difference between a Bechamel, an Hollandaise and a Veloute. Girls who were stuck with doing four years of Russian, Latin or German were so envious because, instead of taking home lists of verbs to memorise or passages to translate, we had stuff you could eat. Well, mostly. I remember someone forgetting the salt when we made bread and one year the Christmas cakes had a distinctly fishy taste. (Something to do with what we were given to grease the baking tins, but let's not go there!).
My mum had a copy of one of the recipe books which were kept in the cookery rooms at school, and which we used to pore over in those classes, and I've inherited it. I think Marguerite Patten was the Nigella of her day and this book probably featured in most kitchens, along with that stalwart, the BeRo book of baking.
It lost it's cover years ago, and some of the pages are stuck together, but looking through it gives an idea of what people were cooking, I guess, in the 1960's and 70's. I don't remember my mum serving us any of these hors d'oeuvre, though.
But I seem to think we had a version of this. Sans pink ribbon!
Television was playing a bigger part in people's lives, hence this section.
There was the wonder of
which was a little bit scary. And the innovation that was
Feeling nostalgic, I just had to make one of my favourites from those cookery classes - raspberry buns!