Inspired by the clever stitchery showcased on the blogs I visit, and needing some diversionary activity, I've been faffing about trying my hand at making these. I mean, how hard can it be to sew a couple of rectangles of fabric together and add 2 more for handles? The first one I made is now my knitting bag (yes, knitting, but more of that in another post). I then had a go with another one and thought I could improve on the pattern by lining the bag. I bravely (or should that be foolishly?) included that one in the recent book giveaway. The third one I made late last night and added a name tag.
It's not perfect but I think it's OK. I'd like to make a reversible version but haven't a clue how to do that so, if you can offer me some advice, it would be much appreciated. After that, who knows? Maybe a bag with a proper bottom bit. And I'm quite taken with the Clothkits skirts spotted on Domesticali but they may be a step too far at this stage.