Since I now have so much more free time, I've been trying to keep myself busy with various activities. Wii Fit has entered my life recently and I'm becoming addicted. I love it (well, I love the fact that I can manage to do something that resembles exercise) and can be found most evenings happily (mostly) hula hooping, boxing, stepping and jogging. I'm useless at the balance games - don't ever invite me to go ski jumping. And it's having an effect already. I've lost some weight (no bad thing) and am generally feeling a bit more supple. This is my Wii Mii. The resemblance to the real me is, erm, uncanny!
Despite previous disastrous results, I've also become reacquainted with the knitting needles and have cast on again.
This is what I'm aiming to achieve but I'm not confident. I think the back is shorter than the two fronts. I am, however, keeping myself pleasantly occupied!
And there have been more cupcakes, this time for an eight year old girl who was very definite about wanting "purple icing, white love hearts and lots of sparkle". Hopefully these ticked all the boxes.