The lovely Maddy tagged me recently with the "Six Quirky Things About Me" thingamajig.
How to play:
1) Link to the person who tagged you. Check.
2) Mention the rules. Check.
3) Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself. Here goes.
- I cannot drink a full cup of tea or coffee and, no matter how big or small the cup, I always have to leave about a third. (I think this might go back to the days before tea bags when, if you drank too far down, you ended up with a mouthful of tea leaves. Yuk). Pity the same rule doesn't apply to cake. Or chocolate.
- I have to sit at the end of a row next to the aisle in cinemas and theatres, on trains and planes etc. I really can't sit anywhere else. (This one can be a tad problematic at times).
- Like a lot of people, I read magazines from back to front first and then front to back.
- I never ever go in swimming pools. The thought of all those other people being in the same pool of water. And those hairs floating around. Honestly, I feel nauseous typing this.
- When I eat alone, and occasionally when I'm not, I like to eat the pudding first. (I've never dared to try reversing the order of courses in a restaurant).
As I said, quirky? Me? Not at all. Actually, if I was reading this about somebody else I'd be thinking "Barmy!".
4) Tag six other bloggers by linking to them.
5) Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they’ve been tagged
I'm passing this on to :
Elizabeth at Gossamer Wings
Philippa at Verbina
Linnea at Linnea Paulina
Colleen at Rus in Urbis
Gemma at Generally Gemma
Cat at The Domestic Novice
but please only play if you really want to and haven't done this already.