Thanks to a very kind Rattling On.., one of my more recent discoveries in blogland, I've been nominated for an award. But there are conditions. One. I have to share seven interesting facts about myself. Two. I have to spread the goodness and pass on the award to seven bloggers.
So, first things first, what don't you know about me that you might possibly find even remotely interesting? Oh, here goes.
1. When I was at infants school I was desperate to get nits. Yes, really. I didn't have a clue what they were, I just wanted one of the exciting looking brown envelopes the Nit Nurse gave out to be taken home. Every time, I willed her to call out my name so that I could stand up in front of everyone and collect my envelope. It was probably fortunate that she never did.
2. I eat most things (vegetarian, that is) but I can't abide aubergines. Even the thought of eating them makes me shudder though they are a lovely colour, I'll admit. I think it's probably something to do with the texture. Or maybe it's that I just don't like the taste.
3. I was frightened of dogs until I was eighteen when I met my now husband and got to know his mother's Yorkshire terrier. It was called Tam, wore a red hair ribbon and didn't bark. It didn't do much of anything, come to think of it.
4. My much loved first car, bought for me when I was seventeen, was an ancient little black Ford Prefect. It only had three gears (I should add that it was only meant to have three gears plus reverse and I wasn't driving something unroadworthy), the heater was naff and the back seat wasn't the original so anyone sitting on it had to bend over to see out of the window, they were so elevated. There was also a little metal sign on the dashboard bearing the legend "Made in Las Vegas from old slot machine parts". It probably was, though back then I doubt I could have pointed to Las Vegas on a world map. Actually, even though I've been there, I'm not sure I could even now.
5. When I was fifteen my (much older) brother took me on holiday to the Bahamas where I was lucky enough to see a performance by Aretha Franklin in an aircraft hangar. Impressive or what????
6. My ambition as a youngster was to be a bus conductress. I was fascinated by their ticket machines and the mittens they wore in winter (the buses didn't have doors in those days so it could be a bit nippy). Oh yes, and they wore leather bags to keep the money in and got to ring the bell to alert the driver to stop/set off. My dad once bribed me (when I was about six) with a toy conductress set from Woolworths in order to get me into the hairdresser's to have my fringe trimmed. Disappointingly, the set didn't come with a bus. Or a bell, so I had to make do with a light switch.
7. Still with me? Almost there. I can tap dance. Yes, those 13 years of dance lessons certainly paid off. And I have awards to prove it. I've still got my tap shoes so just make some space on the wood flooring or roll back the carpet and I'll demonstrate some perfectly executed timesteps and breaks (dodgy ankles permitting, of course).
I know lots of people have already played (or choose not to) but I'm passing this award on to these lovely people and hope they'll join in:
From a North London kitchen
My life in flip flops
The Antidote
A Bun can Dance
Busybee studio
Maddy's Glass House
The rules are:
- Thank the person who nominated you.
- Copy the logo to your blog (or at least into the acceptance post).
- Link to the person who nominated you.
- List 7 things about yourself people may find interesting.
- Make your own 7 nominations.
- Post links to those 7.
- Leave each a comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them.