Did you know?
- Polar bears aren't white, as you can see from the photographs (some of which I've pinched from the Husband). Their fur is made up of hollow hairs which reflect light in much the same way that ice and snow do.
- Polar bears don't show up in infrared photographs because they retain such a high percentage of their body heat. When photographed using infrared, only the bear's exhaled breath will register.
- Canada has the largest polar bear population in the world.
- Apart from breeding, polar bears are solitary, nomadic creatures and their lives are closely linked with ice conditions and the seasons. In summer they dig dens right down to the permafrost to keep cool during the hotter weather.
- The body fat they accumulate during winter and spring seal hunting enables them to spend from July to October in a sort of "walking hibernation".
- Polar bears are at the top of their food chain so.................
Polar bears who venture too close to or even into the town of Churchill are tranquilised and whisked off to polar bear jail in special traps.
In jail, they're kept in the dark, given water only and then released once the ice has formed on the Hudson Bay. Whilst we were there, 15 bears were being held. Of course, they're not allowed visitors.
Apart from polar bears, the tundra is home to lots of birds and other animals such as moose and caribou. I was hoping to at least spot an arctic fox and a snowy owl but, despite seeing many different prints in the snow, we only came across this red fox.
We couldn't leave Churchill without finding out about husky dog sledding .
And, of course, having a go.
It was great fun. Maybe we should start training for the Iditarod.