(Quote from Homer Simpson)
Taking great pictures is not, as no doubt you'll have already concluded, one of my strengths. I have a compact digital camera which is always set in Auto mode. I point, I click, I hope for the best. Sometimes it works, other times there's just a blur.
So, along with a friend who is similarly photographically challenged, I signed up for a one day, get-to-know-your-camera course which took place today at our local National Trust property. All of the other participants were SLR camera owners, most of whom turned up with some very impressive camera equipment. (I'll spare you the comments from the four women on the course about men and their obvious need to show off their, ahem, variously sized telephoto lenses).
The course was a tad disappointing in that I was expecting to be shown how to use my camera - I still have no idea what it's capable of. Instead, it was all a bit technical (depth of field, aperture priority, f numbers, focal length and ISO settings anyone?) and in all honesty I don't know much more than I did previously.
We were eventually let loose in the grounds to practice what we'd learned (!) with instructions to concentrate on close-ups of flowers, landscape views and portrait shots, the best from each being shown at the end of the session to the whole group.
I found I was in movie mode at one point. I think I'm going to have to read the manual.
Back home, the Boo was still in Royal Wedding mode.