It's all been a bit lacklustre here after the Canadian adventure.
Of course, there has been cake. Or cakes. Quick and easy chocolate ones, slathered (couldn't be bothered to get out the piping equipment) with buttercream. I have no idea what they tasted like as I've banished sugary treats from my diet for the time being. Well, until the waistbands are less snug.
Someone has been in the dog house after ignoring the calls of his master and disappearing into the bushes in the park with what was described as "a very flirtatious Yorkshire terrier" who suddenly appeared from nowhere and is thought to go by the name of Mimi. Hmmm.
I've watched this. Loved the book (which I read years ago) but have to say I was disappointed with the film. Daniel Radcliffe just didn't convince as widowed solicitor Arthur Kipps, the bumps in the night/faces at the window/shapes in the mirror were too predictable to be really chilling (maybe I did jump a couple of times) and it all looks so very, erm, digital, if you know what I mean. A definite thumbs down from me.
There have been lunches with friends, here and here.
The roses have finally appeared in the garden but they're very strange looking on one of the bushes. I have no idea what's going on but they're not a pretty sight. Any suggestions?