Our garden shed, which was bought as a play house for the Girlie and Boy shortly after we moved here, has needed replacing for quite some time. Cherished belongings were removed long ago and, with the shed's position behind the garages, it's been all too easy to ignore its sorry state. No-one has ventured inside for years. Until yesterday. It had to be cleared in readiness for demolition today and the arrival of a new shed tomorrow. We weren't at all sure what was still in there (though a community of hefty spiders was no surprise) and found a doll's pushchair, several bikes of differing sizes, a Union Jack on a pole and those other essential bits and bobs that make a shed a home.
The bookshelves had mostly been cleared with just these four books remaining.
Boo was quick to claim a mouldy ball,
Buzz took up position on the shed roof to oversee proceedings,
Bea was on watch at the front of the house
and I kept the tears at bay (so many memories) by prancing about the garden with the camera.
After leaving a pile of the more select items for the rag and bone man (he's already collected them) and a trip to the waste recycling centre, it was time for a welcome cuppa.
With slices of coconut lime loaf for him.