Plans to plough on with the list of jobs outdoors went completely out of the rain spattered window today. Even the cats have done nothing more energetic than seeking shelter under the garden table on what I like to think of as 'the terrace' but which in reality is nothing more than a little paved area the other side of the living room french doors. At least from that spot they get an uninterrupted view of the pigeons filling their boots on the bird feeder.
So instead there's been a spot of baking - a carrot and orange cake (made up as I went along) and a batch of the mister's favourite, cheese scones (Mary Berry's 'Very Best' minus the sugar and with the addition of a teaspoon of mustard powder and a small mountain of grated cheddar).
Despite a flurry of online ordering, I'm still lacking a more appropriate summer wardrobe so the change in the weather is providing something of a reprieve. And it turns out I'm a size 10, slimmer than I thought. No wonder it looked like I'd been raiding the dressing up box.
Later today there's the weekly visit to 83 year old Aunty M. After a phone call from her (very understanding, I'd have to say) housing provider yesterday, I need to broach a rather delicate subject with her. Let's just say that her, ahem, avant-garde approach to household expenses management has included failure to pay rent. Over a long period. Tricky.
Afterwards, there'll be a long walk with Boo followed by a home cooked curry and a film. Unfortunately, I ordered this one before reading the reviews. I never learn.