Boo in a range of headwear I didn't know he owned * Glasses of posh bubbly after the predictably tear inducing church carol service on Christmas Eve * Piles of wonderful presents and an ocean of glitter * Coming over all Blue Peterish and making last minute table decorations * Clean plates all round (a first) at the Christmas lunch table * Aunty M declaring she was too full to eat anything else and promptly diving into a chocolate walnut whip * A trip to the cinema to see a surprisingly enjoyable film * Marking my first vegan Christmas with a far too crumbly nut roast but a tastier than expected/you'd never know the difference Christmas cake * A suitably seasonal Walter de la Mare poem with pictures * Playing a highly competitive board game, complete with timer, in the no schedule, slower paced lull between Christmas and New Year * Taking the winner's place on the podium with maybe a little more than a smidgeon of unfestive smugness * Looking forward to an evening at the panto. Oh yes I am *