Watching the consummate showman doing his stuff at Sunderland Empire. Not as dark as previous tours but even front row seats didn't reveal any 'so that's how he does it' secrets. Recommended if you like the world of illusion. And Quality Street.
Taking two more compliant than usual cats for their annual examinations and booster jabs and being advised that the new eating regime (basically trying not to give food on demand which kind of works though one kitty has a habit of helping himself whilst the other just fills up on the dog's crumbs) is paying dividends as Bea, the flabby tabby, has lost a kilo in weight.
Wondering why humans can be immunised for life yet cats and dogs have to be topped up every year. At considerable cost to their owners.
Learning a new skill in the company of some lovely ladies at a workshop in Saltburn. Yep, I can now knit in the round. Using two colours. I foresee woolly tubes in my future.
Popping into the shop next door at the end of the workshop and buying more yarn for another project.
Accidentally buying a new jacket. I lie. The purchase was entirely intentional.
Discovering, whilst measuring myself for afore mentioned jacket, that my waist is two and a half inches smaller than I thought it was. Might explain the 'Look, I can take my jeans off without unfastening them' party trick.
Finishing the rainbow blanket with an unconventional 'I have no idea what stitch this is and am just making it up as I go along' border. Far from perfect but there is less wonk. Possibly.
Deciding to crack on reading the current book at bedtime (from the bookshelf and bought in the days when a brand new Penguin cost £1.99), despite initially feeling decidedly underwhelmed, and ending up really enjoying it. Sometimes, you just gotta stick with it.
Booking a short break in a cottage by a river. Just up the road and then turn left. More or less.
Observing a regular visitor to the back garden. He's sometimes accompanied by his body double.
Thanking you for all of your comments on the last post which are very much appreciated. There have been no further signs of the, erm, uninvited house guests but we remain vigilant. Yesterday, the Boy and I were greeted by Aunty imploring us to buy more crisps whilst the food we'd stocked her with the previous week remains untouched. At least she'd taken a new dressing gown from the wardrobe, where it had been languishing complete with tags, and was actually wearing it. Tiny steps.