Watching Jurassic World. Saturday night, the cinema was busy, the dinosaurs were big and bad, Claire/Bryce Dallas Howard ran though the jungle in pristinely white high heels and the mister noisily chomped his way through a giant bag of salted popcorn.
Deciding I need a coloured glass vase and buying one for a couple of quid in a charity shop in town.
Baking a batch of cupcakes. It's ages since I made any (which is odd for someone who named her blog for the love of the finger lickingly sweet treats). I've fallen out with piping bags and nozzles so went for a dollop of buttercream and topping overload - chopped up Reece's peanut butter cups, Snickers, Crunchies and a bar of chocolate with Malteser bits in it, a sprinkling of dried raspberry pieces here and there, a drizzle of caramel and a final flourish of melted white chocolate. The cake version of a Christmas selection box.
Adding to the book pile. I had no reason to go into Waterstones but I did and, well, you know the rest. Pity I forgot to add to the points on my loyalty card.
Popping into a charity shop on the way to the supermarket to buy the afore mentioned chocolate bars and spying another glass vase. Seems I now have a new collection. As I was indulging in a spot of show and tell, someone here asked, 'So what are you getting rid of to fit them in?' Like someone's some sort of Grand Master of decluttering and sorting. Which he most definitely is not. (The answer, by the way, was 'Nothing'. Or something along those lines.)
Wandering along the riverside, looking for ducklings and spotting not a single one. There are none at the local pond, either.
Visiting the aunt. She's still in hospital though no longer in isolation (a raft of tests found no evidence of any nasty infections). Now we're just waiting for the nod for her discharge and transfer to the care home for a couple of weeks of respite which hopefully will establish new habits and routines.
Admiring someone's sartorial style. Garboesque, I'm thinking. Well, I suppose if you've got it...........