“I am made for autumn. Summer and I have a fickle relationship,
but everything about autumn is perfect to me."
(Alys Fowler)
The season is definitely making its presence felt, possibly nowhere more so than in the garden. Berries of various colours on shrubs and trees. Cobwebs and their spinners on almost every plant. A robin keeping a watchful eye on all the tidying activity from the safety of a high perch. A cat relishing a roll on a seemingly endless supply of crispy dead leaves. An evening visit from the biggest hedgehog you ever did see. That unmistakable autumnal whiff in the air that stops you in your brush wielding tracks and has you breathing deeply. Yes, no question about it, I'm with Alys on this one.
The winning name drawn out of the hat (in reality a bowl but same difference) was Penny's from The Homemade Heart. Thank you for all your comments.