Taking advantage of a sunny afternoon to walk round the park.
Noticing signs of Spring and plump squirrels.
Signing up for an additional weekly yoga session. Another baby group but still, it all helps. Right?
Continuing the Scandi love with a few beautifully wrapped treats. For the house, not me.
Welcoming visitors with mango bellinis and nibbles.
Concocting a supper of savoury strudel, grilled courgettes, peas, feta and mint, and roasted peppers, sunblush tomatoes, mozzarella and basil, with fresh from the oven brownies, raspberries and vanilla ice cream to finish. Quicker to make than to type.
Forgetting to take foodie pictures before the demolition squad moved in.
Surprising myself and everyone else by marking the 14th of the month with homemade offerings of peanut butter cups (excellent recipe from here) for the big people and a card for the littlest.
Ignoring comments about some sort of plot having been lost.
Watching activity at the bird feeder.
Waking up to snow.
Wondering if it is etiquette to point out that someone has a little dab of something on their chin.