Gosh, documenting the Arctic expedition took some doing. I'm not sure if that was down to the inevitable post-adventure slump, disenchantment with blogging or preoccupation with a health blip (still being investigated). Maybe a bit of all three.
In the meantime, life has been meandering along, as it does, with bits and bobs along the way including.....
Birthday celebrations. Mine, this blog's (yep, love those cupcakes is now an unbelievable nine) and the littlest's first.
Polar bears. In cake form, amongst others. I'm becoming obsessed with these magnificent animals who really are living on the brink. Seems I've also turned eco warrior, so far managing to stay this side of the law.
Boy bakes. Someone else here is also obsessed. With all things patisserie. Italian meringue this, pâte sablée that. Donuts, salted caramel creations, Viennese whirls, gingerbread filled Scandi rolls, so so many bakes. Honestly, we need an appointment system for the kitchen. There was something of a Halloween bake-off, his ghostly cupcakes going head to head with my pumpkin cookies. It was a draw. Obviously.
Books. If anything, my passion for book buying has intensified to the point that I simply cannot pass a bookshop or charity shop or pop-up book sale. The to-be-read pile will probably always be just that. Unless some expert comes up with a 'How to live forever' guide. Amongst recent reads, Truman Capote's 'In Cold Blood' was a standout.
Walks. Nothing far afield, just locally, enjoying the rich colours and unmistakable scents of my favourite part of the year.
Yoga. Two classes each week but maybe increasing to three in the new year. I'm not at all convinced I'm improving, my balance is crap and some asanas are just too much for this infuriatingly inflexible body, but I figure it must (surely) be having a positive effect and, most importantly, I love it.
Knitting. Winter woollies for the littlest and a friend's newest family member. Currently on the needles is a polo necked something for yours truly.
Home improvements. Well, just a smart new front door but it's a start. Hopefully.
A day trip to London. Not for any particular reason but a hugely enjoyable day out with my cousin and a splendid afternoon tea (vegan for me) in Soho.
Lunch dates with friends. I'm the world's worst at keeping in touch with people (sadly, I've lost contact over the years with various people who were at one time or another a very significant part of of my life) but I have a group of close friends and catch up with them in one or other of the town's multiplying eating places (whodathought the Boro would have its very own Patisserie Valerie?).
Sky gazing. At night, at the supermoon.
Christmas prepping. The cake (my dad's recipe on a scrap of paper) has been baked (I'll make a smaller, shorter shelf life vegan one nearer the day itself) and the pudding stirred, wished on and steamed. We'll be five, plus a little one with a huge appetite, for the main event so the planning has begun. I love lists, me.