... your candle matches your book.
... you finally finish the jumper you've been knitting for yonks, it kind of resembles the picture on the pattern, it fits and you might actually wear it.
... you commit to giving up cakes and biscuits for Lent and twenty days in finds you still abstaining (though you're eating M&S dates by the boxful).
... the camellia springs to life in a corner of the garden.
...you meet a friend for a catch up over a delicious lunch at your favourite venue in town, you're still there four hours later and return home so late you have to treat the family to dinner at Pizza Express.
... your postman delivers book shaped parcels at regular intervals.
... your Boy mentions wild garlic season, you remember where it grows locally and you pick enough to make..... well, something delicious. Probably.
... you find your kitchen completely covered in a thick layer of, ugh, sugary stickiness after a boy's yumyum frying session and, even though it's really the very last thing you feel like doing on a Sunday night, you end up having to.... oops, sorry, wrong list.