Over a weekend, the baking Boy ventured into the world of Italian patisserie, a la GBBO. Making sfoggliatelle, to be precise. It looked a laborious and messy process but he ended up with some lamination and a tray of pastries. And a new respect for the current series' participants.
Venturing once again into the realm of small knits for small people has produced mixed results. A friend is about to welcome triplets into her family so I picked up the long rested knitting needles and various patterns which didn't appear too taxing, aware I need three of whichever item I decide to knit and that I'm currently bothered by a painful golfer's elbow. No, I don't play golf, it's just my elbow seems to think I do. A pair of boots turned out looking more or less like they should (they're not perfect but they're intended for feet) whilst a beanie hat was just tiny. Far too tiny, unless my friend's daughter gives birth to three boiled eggs.
It seems I've ventured into the writing world of Nigel Slater. Never a fan of his TV shows (I prefer it when it's just the potatoes that look like a good scrub wouldn't go amiss), never having bought any of his books and skipping his column in the Guardian, I finally succumbed (his latest publication has the word 'Christmas' in the title and was half price in Waterstones, so of course a copy came home with me). Surprisingly, I'm enjoying his words (I doubt I'll be giving any of the recipes a try as they're far from vegan friendly), particularly those describing his obvious love of the colder, darker months of the year (which pretty much matches my own).
Today is the last day of October and I'm about to venture into the loft to retrieve the bag of spooky stuff. There's a bowl full of sweet treats for anticipated little (and not so little) callers, a giant pumpkin has a face, a batch of vegan pumpkin cupcakes is awaiting a topping of gingerbread spice buttercream, pumpkin, butter bean and coconut curry is simmering away on the hob and a couple of seasonally scented candles will soon be lit. In between answering the door knocks, I'm planning to watch the remaining episodes of the second season of Stranger Things (it's so very good and so hard to ration), followed by the obligatory viewing of Hallowe'en and a creepy book at bedtime (I really shouldn't do any of this as I've been having a few too many bad dreams of late).
And now I'm signing off for a few weeks as we venture east in search of Richard Parker and friends.