A couple of reads from the pile and one from the library, these three books really hit the spot.
Jo Nesbo's Midnight Sun is a departure from the Harry Hole series (speaking of which, I'm so looking forward to the release of the big screen version of The Snowman) and a comparatively short read. Ulf (if that is indeed his name) is on the run from his Oslo based drug lord boss and finds himself holed (sorry, couldn't resist) up in a ramshackle cabin, living alongside a remote community in the far north of Norway. He knows it's only a matter of time before he's found. Strong on characterisation and description of place, I loved this book. And who knew Jo Nesbo has a soppy side?
I'm a big fan of Anne Tyler's work and The Amateur Marriage didn't disappoint. Michael and Pauline meet in his mother's grocery store as the horrors of World War II are unfolding. Opposites attract, the couple marry and go on to live unhappily ever after. This novel is as much about the changes in family and domestic life over the course of the second half of the 20th century as it is about the dissection of a marriage which definitely wasn't made in heaven. Highly recommended.
I've been trying to get into the habit of borrowing rather than buying books and I came across Let The Dead Speak on the new acquisitions display (I was the first borrower so, hurrah, no-one else's crumbs and other unidentified detritus were held between the pages) in the town's central library. This is a well paced police procedural, the latest in a series which is new to me. It begins with a tricky murder investigation (tricky because there's a lot of blood and no body), uncovers some seriously dodgy neighbours (who wouldn't recognise the truth if it slapped them across the chops), and twists and turns towards the final denouement.
August is not only my birthday month but also this blog's. Yes, love those cupcakes is now an unbelievable 10 years old. Tempus certainly fugits.
A decade of wittering about life and stuff chez moi surely deserves some kind of celebration so, instead of the usual mixed bag of goodies giveaway, I've decided to offer one book from my list of 2017 reads (check the sidebar) to two recipients.
To win a brand new copy of the title you most fancy, just leave a comment (including your choice of book) on this post by 22nd September and I'll do the names out of the hat thingy. Good luck!