Outside: Garden tidying has continued (where do all those twigs come from and how do we stop next door's cats using one of our borders as a litter tray?); the cherry blossom has finally put in an appearance at the front of the house; lambs are now in residence in the field at the end of our road.
Inside: The sewing machine has been dusted off and a skirt of sorts has been made (yes, it fits and no, I won't be wearing it); cheap and cheerful flowers from the supermarket are still filling the vases; the Boy has evidently been whipping up frittata for packed lunches.
In other news: A deliciously long lunch enjoyed with a friend; the bedside cabinet renovation has gone from bad to downright embarassing (this has to be the worst paint job in the history of, well, paint but, by hook or by crook, it will receive its wax finish); a charity shop drop off resulted in buying stuff (a couple of books, one of which I suspect was probably mine originally, a necklace, a glass vase) that really isn't needed and kind of defeats the whole decluttering effort here; watching a gripping ('Captain Phillips: There's got to be something other than being a fisherman or kidnapping people. Muse: Maybe in America, Irish, maybe in America') film ; managing an umbrella on a windy day.
Oh yes, and a holiday has been booked. More on that later.